Introducing the Innovative Tempstar® X-Vane™ Fan

What is X-Vane Fan Technology? 
Have you seen the new patent-pending Tempstar® X-Vane™ Fan? This unique vane axial indoor fan system has commercial HVAC in a top spin. It’s unlike traditional commercial belt-driven fan systems.

As pictured above, the X-Vane fan is positioned horizontally within the rooftop cabinet. It utilizes an ECM motor and a vane axial fan for improved rooftop performance and energy efficiency. New technology, reduced maintenance and set-up costs along with quiet operation mean Tempstar is delivering the future of innovation today.

Here are a few of the benefits of this innovative X-Vane Fan Technology:

  • Installed in 3-6 Ton Tempstar Packaged Rooftop Units: X-Vane fans are installed in RGV and RGW gas heating/electric cooling units, RAV and RAW electric heat/electric cooling units, and RAV and RAW cooling only units. Please see the model charts below for more information.
  • Advanced Technology: Unlike most rooftop units on the market, Tempstar rooftops with X-Vane Fan Technology utilize an advanced fan design with 75 percent fewer moving parts. Not only does the fan sit horizontally, but there are no pulleys, no belt, no motor base, no blower shaft and no blower bearings. Instead, patent-pending X-Vane Fan Technology utilizes an efficient, direct-drive ECM motor and a vane axial fan.
  • Easier Installation and Less Maintenance: Less moving parts provides easier installation and requires less routine maintenance.
  • Same Rooftop Unit Footprint as Previous Models: The beauty of the X-Vane Fan is that it fits into the same cabinet size as previous models. So, you can maintain the same footprint for customers in the replacement market.
  • Increased Efficiency: New 6 ton RAV/RGV units with X-Vane Fan Technology now achieve 15.2/15.0 IEER respectively, so they already comply with 2023 DOE Energy Standards for IEER. The 3 to 5 ton RAW/RGW units with X-Vane Fan Technology now achieve 16 SEER with two stages of cooling.

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